For our questions this is the information we obtained from our 3 questions:
What is your religion? (Even if you are not currently practicing)
Christian - 50%
Islamic - 9%
Hindu - 1%
Orthodox - 5%
Buddhist - 8%
Other - 9%
None - 17%
How important is your religion to you?
Very - 30%
Quite - 33%
Not very - 37%
Do you think that Religion is a positive or
negative force in the world?
Positive - 73%
Negative - 27%
Our interesting discovery was how many people thought religion was a postive influence in the world today. Most people who said they were not religious still thought it was a positive influence in the world today. Another result that was quite interesting was how important the religion was to the people. We had more people saying it was note very important to them than people saying religion was very important to them. Most of these came from people who said they were christian. This may agree with the article about the church becoming extinct as it is becoming less of an influence, de-instituionalised.
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