Monday, 13 January 2014

Facebook, Twitter and Production

We have now set up Facebook and Twitter pages to spread word about our documentary. Our intention with both pages is not only to spread the word about our documentary but also to collect new ideas and feedback from our audience to see where we could improve etc. These are the links:!/GanzeDaviesProductions

The pages will also be used to introduce our characters on the show and more about their faiths e.g what is good about their faith? what makes their faith different? Our idea for our poster will also be presented on the page. The poster idea which is similar to Channel 4's ''Seven Days'', where apart of each persons face is attached to form one face. So we will ask our participants to take a selfie (a picture with just them in it, preferably a close-up of their face) and a 140 character statement about them and their faith on Twitter. Twitter will also be used for more discussions using a hashtag. For example, people who find out more about the show and want to offer their views on characters and the show will be able to comment using the #FaithOffCCSS hashtag. Facebook is used more for information and advertising, such as videos.

When we meet with all our characters, we will allow them to make suggestions about what they think the documentary should be like. Our intention at this first meeting is to put them in pairs to do different activities so they can become more comfortable with each other to make our documentary process easier. There might be a trip for us to the Kings College Chapel in Cambridge to hear the choir sing. Another idea is to maybe attend one of our participants places of worship if no there is no issue with the other participants. 

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