Wednesday 22 January 2014

Post-Group Meeting

We have held our first group meeting with our focus group. It was quite interesting as most of them were comfortable with each other. They were very suggestive and open. There is 8 people, 4 boys and 4 girls. We have 3 Christians; A Catholic, Anglican and an Orthodox. A Buddhist, a Taoist, A Judaic, An Agnostic and a Muslim.

Our discussion lasted about 30 Min's, which we also recorded. We introduced our ideas to them such as for our ancillary products; The poster and magazine interview. We also made the suggestion of visiting the Kings College Chapel and they all thought it was a great idea. The group was quite shocked about our findings in the results from the survey. Particularly about the part that 73% of people in our college thought that Religion was a positive influence in the world today. Many of them seemed to agree to the fact England is not as religious as it once was, as it was also found in the Article in the Daily Mail.

Here's a clip of our discussion where two people talk about their faiths:


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