Monday 20 January 2014

Focus Group 1st Meeting

We have arranged our first meeting between us and our Focus Group. Our intention for the first meeting is mainly focusing on getting to know each other, so that everyone can be more comfortable with each other. In this meeting we will also make a suggestion to the group about doing an activity together, again increasing comfort ability around each other. Introduce the main ideas of the programme, make it clear to them what the idea of the programme is and discussing the ancillary products as well as our findings in research. After we do this we will then offer them the chance to voice their own opinions and suggestions, for example if they have a different view as to how we should do the documentary.

Another thing that we thought would be could is trying to get them on Twitter and put a 140 character statement about their faith and why it is important to them. Then we will make it clear to them about our selfie idea and what we plan to do more with social networks. Our selfie idea is that we will change it every week so the parts of the face look different. Our plan is to film in a period of four weeks, so we will meet every Tuesday at 14:00 with an update.

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